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Author Archives: admin

Today I’m gonna show you one awesome plugin that will add VIM mode to your Visual Studio 2015 and above.

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Case: during the development process, teamleader said to move all your developed code to another branch from your current. Handy copy-paste is a bad solution. How to solve that problem?

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If you’re interested to get MCSD App builder certificate, you have to start from 2 basic certifications: 480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 or 483: Programming in C#.

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Task: configure SharePoint search service so that it will be allowed to show only pages of such types: documents (.doc/.docx/.pdf), tables (.xls, .xslx), aspx-pages (.aspx).

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Moving search service from one to another server in SharePoint – is typical task, that always happens on old and large projects. If you cannot scale old search app server resources, only one way to make it works properly – move service to another, more powerful server. This instruction will help you to do that.

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You can install all prerequisites manually by downloading them one by one, but

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Moq – is useful framework that allows to simulate any functionality provided by object being tested. For example, you need to check is any method called in test scenario, so moq let you to do that. Just mock testable method, run scenario and detect is it being called at the end of test scenario.

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Due my current work task i have a case – to call a modal created as a React-component from SharePoint Ribbon. In two words, SharePoint ribbon is a structure that contains buttons and js-functions binded for it. When you push the button, js function binded for it calls… hope you understand :). And i started to google: “how to interract with react module from outer js, how to change react state from outer js, force re-render react component from pure js” and so on…

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Sometimes it happens that you React-project contains not only one true single-page application. Especially, if you create solution for already developed website with different frontend technologies been used on it before.

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