ROXL - DevBlog by Krivoshchekov Artem


How to dockerize your own app which has external reference as github module?

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How to run any ssh command on your webserver with github actions?

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Short story

Let’s imagine that you have modern application project made in times of .NET core 6 release. Needless to say, it’s structure is a little bit different from older .net versions (where you had 2 separate files – Startup.cs and Program.cs)

Let’s dive through old and new structure differences, that would be useful for further explanations

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Library i18n

Commonly used library and approach for localization.

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Library with name storybook lets you handy organize pretty functional showroom for all implemented components in your system.

Apart of ability render component, you can interact with added components: different events, variations, custom params… and manipulate them right through interface!

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Environment – is exactly the place, where you gonna be store such variables as connections string, different usernames for authorisations in external systems, ports, number settings and etc.

Dotnet framework provides special interface for working with env files and, also, special secured container for more sensible and secured information called user-secrets.

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It is very important to have consistent import statements in your react projects, and to preserve relative paths hell, ex. ../../../utils/smth.ts looks much more ugly than ~/utils/smth.ts.

Unfortunately, latest versions of typescript support this trick worse and worse (I don’t know why, in fact).

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Error has happened occasionally, after changing RenderAPI from Metal to OpenGL in game options.

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So, as a real blockchain developer, you want to test your smart contract not only in virtual Ganache (which is in-memory blockchain emulator), but also – with environment which is close to real blockchain. In that case, you going to use tool names Go Ethereum, and, mostly possible, tool called Truffle for writing, testing and deploying your smart contracts.

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Nowadays well-known @material-ui is a legacy package, and all it’s components were migrated to new @mui package. Previous is no longer maintainable, and new components appear only in @mui. So, it’s reasonable question for everyone: How to migrate to the new package?

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