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Moving search service from one to another server in SharePoint – is typical task, that always happens on old and large projects. If you cannot scale old search app server resources, only one way to make it works properly – move service to another, more powerful server. This instruction will help you to do that.

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You can install all prerequisites manually by downloading them one by one, but

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Due my current work task i have a case – to call a modal created as a React-component from SharePoint Ribbon. In two words, SharePoint ribbon is a structure that contains buttons and js-functions binded for it. When you push the button, js function binded for it calls… hope you understand :). And i started to google: “how to interract with react module from outer js, how to change react state from outer js, force re-render react component from pure js” and so on…

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Workflow Manager is a environment where working processes for lists executes in SharePoint infrastructure. This posts show how to configure Workflow Manager, correctly register and use it.

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This post will be useful for SharePoint developers. Due development, it is fairly often need to deploy your dll to gac and test or debug new functions or fixes.

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This script will be useful if you need often reset your database. For example, due active development that affects data in tables.

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SharePoint 2013 provides useful javascript object called WPQ2FormCtx. That object holds information about List, List Item, DisplayForm, ViewForm, EditForm and NewForm.

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Instruction how to prepare visual studio code for work with powershell scripts (for sharepoint framework).

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